Alcott Goes Green Recycling Program

Going Green: We Recycle Big Time


At Alcott, our students and staff are vigilant recyclers. We teach our students about ecology and resources as part of our robust science curriculum. But we do more than teach about our responsibilities to the Earth, we show our students how to put words into action. In our classrooms we recycle paper and plastic with scrupulous care.

Our students are learning science and good citizenship and our program has won awards.

Plus, we get to help Planet Earth and at the same time we also raise money through our recycling. We use our cash for prizes for the students for good attendance and grades.

go green

Ecology by the numbers:

45 million -- Number of tons Californians produce of trash each year

251 million -- tons of trash in the United States

82 million: -- tons of materials recycled in the United States

53.4 -- percentage of all paper products recycled in the United States

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